April 28, 2023

Activation of POTA PA-0091

 POTA PA-0091 is called Rijntakken and consists of a large area of mostly floodplains along some of the largest Dutch rivers called Waal, Lek and IJssel. It is one of the largest Natura2000 area's in The Netherlands. From my QTH it is a 30 minute bike ride to this POTA along the river Lek. I chose a spot on a dike by the river close to the village of Rijswijk where the ferry crosses to Wijk bij Duurstede.

Even though this POTA is big it had never been activated before, not even in FT8 😂. I made 19 QSO's in CW. The new antenna proved to be working good with RBN coverage all over Europe, both on 20 and 30 meters,

April 27, 2023

New antenna for POTA

Here's a new antenna voor #POTA. It resonates on 20 and 30 meters. The radiator consists of a length of twinlead, so we have 2 parallel radiators. One cut for 20 and one for 30 meters. I have added one radial for each band. The feed point is about 3 meters above ground.

April 13, 2023

Activation of POTA PA-0197


PA-0197 is dominated by large plantations of ash wood, primarily used for creating wagon wheels and wooden handles for tools. After a one houten bike ride I set up my antenna on one of the paths leading to an area where trees had been harvested recently. It took me more than an hour to get the required 10 contacts in CW. I got good coverage through Europe. The second QSO was a surprise: N4RKK in Florida, my best POTA DX so far.

This has been my third POTA attempt and my second successful activation. Rig used: 20m QCX with 20W amplifier and a vertical dipole. All QSO's with a Czech RM-31 straight key.

April 10, 2023

Activation of POTA PA-0077


It's a 30 minute bike ride to PA-0077 (Lingegebied & Diefdijk-Zuid Provincial Park), my second POTA activation. It's a flat area with pasture and some plots used for wood production. I set up my vertical dipole and made 15 QSO's in about one hour using a straight key. Worked my first POTA DX with UA9CUJ after answering his CQ.

These flat areas seem to work better than being in the forest. Good coverage throughout Europe and even was spotted by W3LPL with 10 dB around 10:00 UTC.

April 03, 2023

First POTA activation PA-0200


From my QTH it's a 90 minute bike ride to the highest point in the area: "Amerongse Berg" at 69 meters ASL. It's a flat hill top among pine and beech trees. You have to walk there or make a steep and challenging bike ride on sandy roads. This hill and surrounding area counts as POTA PA-0200. I arrived around 08:00 local time and took my 20 meter QCX plus amp, a battery pack and my 10 meter spiderbeam mast with a vertical dipole. Propagation was very bad, the band wasn't open yet and only managed to make 3 QSO's with Ukraine, Sardinia and Spain. I guess I need to plan my trips better...