June 12, 2023

Running the SKCC weekend sprint from Brittany

We set up camp at the North Coast near Lannion. Saturday afternoon I put up the vertical near the camper van about 200 meters from the sea. Propagation was bad but managed to make 11 QSO'S during the weekend with 4 US stations: K3WW (being strong as always), KB3NSK, KF6C and N3MVX. I really liked the oldtimer theme and gave away 46 bonus points myself. The pic shows my QCX being operated from the suitcase, 25 Watts output. All contacts made with a RM31 Czech army straight key.

June 07, 2023

Another POTA at Golfe du Morbihan

Good WX here in Brittany, so I had another go at POTA F-2550. Being active later on the day, propagation was a bit better and I made 17 QSO'S including one DX with N1XV.

Really enjoyed using the QCX with amplifier. 25 Watts output using a Li-ion battery pack.

June 01, 2023

Activation of F-2505 in Bretagne

We arrived in Bretagne yesterday while on holiday and today I discovered we are in the middle of a large parc called "Golfe du Morbihan", POTA F-2505. In the afternoon sun I set up my 2-band vertical and made 12 QSO's in CW on 20 and 30 meters. It took me about an hour. So propagation wasn't great but it is the first activation of this POTA.