August 21, 2024

Succesful activation of Tichelgaten PAFF-0246

 Tichelgaten has been activated only once, so this one has been on my bucket list for a while. It's only a 10 km bicycle trip from my home QTH. A nice area with small lakes, trees and meadows with flowers and insects buzzing...

 Shortly after I started making contacts a ranger came to visit me and asked me to leave. He found my setup quite disturbing in what he called "a vulnerable piece of nature". Only 12 QSO's. So I returned the next morning and found a more suitable area near the road at the entrance of the park.

Propagation was quite good, 45 contacts in around one hour. Great to work KD1CT on 30 meters! Sorry for the boring pics, next time I will add a nice selfie...

August 13, 2024

2 activations from PAFF-0091

 It's just a short bicyle ride to the Diefdijk, part of PAFF-0091. I went to a small lake called "Wiel van Bassa" which has a tiny beach and a shady area with a bench under some apple trees.

22 QSO's during the first activation on august 6 and 28 QSO's on august 13. During the second activation my dog and wife joined me for a swim. Temperatures were almost 30 degrees C that day.

I took my trusty QCX mini on both occasions with a 35 Watt power amp. All battery operated. The antenna is a 2-band vertical on a spiderbeam pole.